Pretty Tinsel star, Osas Ighodaro few weeks ago was announced the new host of family dance reality TV show, Maltina Dance All which kicked off Sept 1. In this inverview with Olabode Emmanuel, the former Miss Black USA 2010 debunked snatching the role from former host, Kemi Adetiba...
"I knew I was going to get a backlash. Kemi and I are good friends. They (Maltina) were trying to get across to me but I don’t pick numbers that are not saved on my phone. A friend got across to me that some people (Maltina) had been trying to reach me. I was later informed that I had to audition for a show. They wanted me to audition, but they didn’t tell me what I was to audition for. They said, ‘what if you are hosting, let’s say a talent show. How will you host it?’. I did that. They got back to me in February. I got the call in May/June that I got the project. I started asking that ‘What is the project?’ They finally told me it was Maltina Dance All. I did some research on it and found out that my friend Kemi has been hosting it. I was like, why didn’t you tell me about this. She said she couldn’t have. I asked her if she was moving to New York, but she told me she is going to start her own show. She’s been very supportive – a big sister. I definitely have some big shoes to fill and I’m glad to be part of the show.
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